Here is a recap of Quarter 2 in art!
First and foremost, we welcomed Mrs. Hipps back from maternity leave! This was a joyous occasion with many hugs, smiles, & excitement! Our hearts are full . <3
We experience our first room transformation exploring texture in art! Students created digital art inspired by the many textures found under the ocean.
STEAM Connection: technology, science, & art.
STEAM Connection: technology, science, & art.
We took our lesson one step further into learning about "form" (3D) art with coral reef clay texture.
1st Grade
Students were introduced to Aztec culture & archeology too deepen their knowledge of other cultures. We then created our own unique artifacts inspired by the Aztec Sun Stone.
STEAM Connection: technology, science, & art.
Students were introduced to Aztec culture & archeology too deepen their knowledge of other cultures. We then created our own unique artifacts inspired by the Aztec Sun Stone.
STEAM Connection: technology, science, & art.

In addition, students practiced pottery techniques & learned more about utilitarian artifacts from similar cultures.

2nd Grade
learned how to identify foreground, middleground, & background in a work of art. Using various tricks in sizing & placement, students created these beautiful land, city, and/or seascapes.
STEAM Connection: technology, science, & art.

As an extension, 2nd grade friends added the phases of the moon into their background to prepare for their clay sculpture project. These glow-in-the-dark decorative sculptures will hang in our EOY showcase as non-utilitarian examples showing knowledge of "slab" technique.

2nd grade students worked a little extra this quarter to add patterns to our giant winged mural in our cafeteria for the Winter Showcase. We are so proud of their creativity & excited to show-off their knowledge of pattern. This also opened the showcase experience to an interactive one!

3rd Grade
These gorgeous flowers not only showcases knowledge of complementary colors & contrast, but also photography & oil pastel techniques. The talent at our school continues to amaze us! Students photographed the majority of these from our butterfly garden on campus.
STEAM Connection: technology, science, & art.

We are just as amazed by the decorate relief sculptures 3rd grade students created based on the artist, Georgia O'Keeffe. These will later be on display at our annual ceramic showcase! This was a great review of clay techniques for non-utilitarian use.

We ended 2nd quarter in 3rd grade with a quick value lesson. Students could choose any subject matter they wanted in order to show knowledge of shades & tints. Check out this song created by some experts in value!

4th Grade
Began 2nd quarter with an exploration in symmetry using the kaleidcam app.

Soon they were off to the world of origami & had their own creative symmetrical masterpieces!
STEAM connnection: technology, art, math

4th grade students next lesson was split into 2 parts. The background was created through abstract expressionism. This was a great way for students to create something in the moment & do what we feel is best with our feelings. Students watched an inspiring video about an artist using this technique to overcome challenges in his life.
For the 2nd part, students were introduced to Oaxaco artifacts in order too deepen their knowledge of other cultures.They then added their Oaxaco inspired drawings to their abstract expression backgrounds. The results are awesome!

5th Grade
Using Google Earth, students demonstrated knowledge of one-point perspective viewpoints of their favorites places around the world. Some even added ideas using their imagination! Later, we will show them how to add UV paint to light of their windows for interactive capabilities!

Students were next able to identify how an artists life or culture is expressed through art. In partnership with their social studies unit in class, students created their own country flags with a little a lesson in symbolism.
Some students chose to use graphic design as their technique or traditional drawing or painting methods. Each students unique personalities shined with each design.

Art Club
Congratulations to Jordyn, Ryker, Ansley, & Maddy for their awesome recycled sculptures that made it to district level competition. You made our school proud.

Congratulations are also in order for our T-shirt contest finalists!

And here is the official Art Club T-shirt of 2019-2020 modeled by the designers

These Art Club members were recognized for helping our community honor veterans at a local hospital.

Thanks to our Art Club members, we have transformed the kitchen area of our cafeteria into War of the Worlds! We hope to inspire. Raising money for our school one hero or alien at a time.

Art Club partnered with Chorus to use their talents for a kindness mission to a local veterans home.

Movement Monday
With our new canopies from all the Donors Choose donations, we have been creating art outside! The smiles our students display the benefits of being outdoors.
Thank your for joining us on STEAM night 2019. Students got a glimpse at the Quiver app which allows students to turn their coloring creations to Augmented Reality!
We ended our 2 quarter with our annual Winter Showcase!! As always, we are so thankful for the support & love our Fine Arts programs. Blessed to teach the most dedicated, creative, & hard working students around!
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